Memory bounded heuristic search:
•To reduce memory- Iterative deepening to the heuristic search.
•2 memory bounded algorithm:
1) RBFS (recursive best-first search).
2) MA* (Memory-bounded A*) and
SMA*(simplified memory MA*)
•It attempts to mimic the operation of BFS.
•It replaces the f-value of each node along the path with the best f-value of its children.
•Suffers from using too little memory.
•Even if more memory were available , RBFS has no way to make use of it.
•Proceeds life A*,expands best leaf until memory is full.
•Cannot add new node without dropping an old one. (always drops worst one)
•Expands the best leaf and deletes the worst leaf.
•If all have same f-value-selects same node for expansion and deletion.
•SMA* is complete if any reachable solution.
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